Heidi Loeffel-Paralegal to Craig Ewing
Heidi Loeffel has been a paralegal for Craig Ewing for over 16 years. Heidi works with patients and health care providers in their billing and coverage disputes with insurance companies. She is an expert in crafting medical appeals that result in coverage to Ewing Law PC’s clients. For individuals it can help them avoid financial ruin. For hospitals and medical providers her work dramatically increases the bottom line.
Heidi has a special interest in insurance law disputes involving benefit plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
Heidi was awarded the Pro Bono Paralegal of the Year by the Colorado Bar Association in 2010 and Outstanding Volunteer award by the Colorado Autism Society in 2011. Heidi hopes to someday change the federal laws governing ERISA plans to make them fairer to participants, beneficiaries, and health care providers. She also wants to strengthen state consumer protection laws regarding insurance benefits.
Heidi has taken on the cause of expanding insurance coverage for people diagnosed with autism. Heidi was involved in the legislative effort which established autism coverage mandates and was a long time volunteer at the Autism Society of Colorado free legal clinic.
In her spare time, Heidi enjoys running, walking and spending time with her family and her two dogs, Jasper and Pre. She is also a Bryan Garner fan.